5 conversations about this topic.

  • Mediabank

    Mediabank is the name given to our family Photography and video archive. It collects all digital media assets (hereafter media) into a single location managed by IMatch. As of March 2024 there are close to 38,000 items being catalogued and managed consuming 525GB. Storage LocationPurposeS:\memories\assetsFinal storage location for media in YYYY\mm -MMMM\ folders.S:\memories\databaseLocation of the Mediabank.imd5 file.S:\memories\database\Pack & GoPeriodic backups of the Mediabank environment using IMatch Pack & Go1.S:\memories\home videosVideos from when we had a video camera.

    • Don't Duplicate Public Knowledge

      Within a Digital Garden it’s very easy to get caught in the trap of duplicating public knowledge that can be found elsewhere, or is otherwise known. For example, The Lord of the Rings is made up of Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King. There is no benefit in me re-creating that structure here.

      • The Map is Not the Terrritory

        This concept is an attempt to get people to remember there is more than just the map. Yet, maps show relationships. In the case of a road map, it’s the relationships between A and B and importantly how to get there. Concept Mapping and Map of Contents do the same thing. Provide an abstraction level across the territory of knowledge.

      • Adventures in Metadata

        I’ve been wanting to document and share my Photography workflow — from camera to archive — for a few weeks now. The introduction of Adobe Lightroom into my workflow recently has meant a delay which has ultimate turned out for the best. I’ve changed my workflow significantly several times over the last few weeks as I manage two applications that do similar, complementary, yet quite different functions.

        • My Document Toolkit

          I curate a lot of digital documentation for myself and my family. Within this Personal Knowledge Management it is important to remove as much friction from the system. There are so many demands on our time, that the smallest resistance can easily provide an excuse to switch on Australian Idol or Survivor and do nothing.