I am certain to recommend these items enthusiastically to people I think would be interested. More than happy to watch it again. Very likely to buy the movie if I’ve seen it in the cinema.

6 conversations about this topic.

  • Astro's Playroom

    A great little PlayStation 5 game that really showed off what the system and new controller could do. Fastest Platinum Trophy I’ve ever completed.

  • Babylon 5

    I only ever saw a few episodes of Babylon 5 on TV when it first aired so my first full watch through was on DVD. Smart science-fiction with a planned arc over 5 seasons is still rare in TV even now.

  • Band of Brothers

    I first saw Band of Brothers on TV, then DVD, then Blu-ray. A 4K version would be visually amazing. This is a TV series I could watch all day long. It is engaging and scary at the same time. Episode 7, “The Breaking Point” is the most outstanding commentary on leadership failure I’ve ever seen. Sadly, The Pacific, as a sister series was not as good.

  • A Plague Tale: Innocence

    Synopsis In A Plague Tale: Innocence you play Amicia, a teenage girl who goes on a journey to save her little brother Hugo from an unknown affliction and the power hungry Church. It’s a supernatural story set against the background of 14th Century France. Review When a game’s name keeps popping up over time, that is usually a sign it’s worth playing and I’m very glad I listened to that advice.

  • Stray

    A game where I get to play as a cat. With 2 cats in the house, have to say it’s animated very realistically. Catinum Trophy I have the Platinum Trophy on Stray. It took an effective three play throughs. I finished the main story a little over a week ago and have spent a couple of evenings and some time today cleaning up the remainder of the trophies.

  • Middle Earth - Shadow of Mordor

    It’s fair to say that the Lord of the RIngs spin-off, Shadow of Mordor will always hold a special place in my gaming heart. Not only did I throroughly enjoy the game and appreciate the mechanics, but it’s the first game for which I ever achieved a Platinum Trophy something I never thought I’d be able to do.