7 conversations about this topic.

  • List of my Favourite Authors

    The authors on this list are those whose books I come back to time and again. You can pretty much guarantee that if a new title is published, I’ll be reading it. Brandon Sanderson Stephen King Mark Lawrence .

  • Replacing Goodreads With Obsidian

    I have been a Goodreads user for many, many years. It has provided me the means to track my reading activity alongside a list of books I want to read. The past few years I’ve been an avid Kindle reader, topping 20,000 pages read each year. Goodreads integration with the Kindle has made it very easy to mark a book started and finished.

  • Discworld

    I'm listening to the complete discworld series of audiobooks. All 40 were released across 2022-23 and it will take me much, much longer to listen to them all.

  • 20000+ Pages Read in 2022

    My 2022 reading stats are in and this year I clocked 20,871 over 46 books. Since first purchasing a Kindle some years ago my reading has increased substantially, and my annual target is 20,000 pages. My new favourite author is Brandon Sanderson. 9/46 books were authored by him, and approx. 7,000 pages. There were two series involved.

  • Unfinished Tales

    Every now and then I use Amazon/Audible’s Matchmaker tool to see if there are any Kindle books for which I’d like to purchase the audiobook cheaply. Today I picked up Leadership and Self-Deception and The Anatomy of Peace for $9 total. I realised I need to make a list of all the book series I’ve begun and enjoyed but have not yet finished - either because I move onto something else, or because new books have been released.

  • From Audible to my Ears

    This is the process each audiobook transitions through on the way from Audible to my listening ears. Purchase more books on Audible than I possibly have time to listen to. Download and convert to .mdb format using OpenAudible. Automatically import into my “Audiobook” library (as Music) using Plex. Add to a series playlist if relevant.

  • Audibooks

    I love to read, and I read a lot. In recent years however I’ve come to recognise the value in audiobooks as well. I normally only listen to audiobooks of authors I like, or books I’ve read before. There is too much time investment to do otherwise. A 1,000-page book is 40-50 hours. Audiobooks tell the same story at a slower pace and so it’s quite a different experience.